Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeLooking back.You also may find yourself looking back deliberately, dredging up vignettes from your life and poring over them to extract meaning for your…14h ago214h ago2
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeGiven the atmosphere of the times, I found meaning in Gary Buzzard’s essay about how we choose to…“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of…Nov 133Nov 133
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeAn obvious seismic shift occurred in the U.S.I found some food for thought in the work of several Crow’s Feet writers who share sage wisdom that comes from a lifetime of learning. This…Nov 62Nov 62
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeThe U.S. elections are a week away and, given the current political tensions, people are on edge.If you’d like to take your mind off politics, check out our latest podcast episode featuring writers reading their spooky tales from the…Oct 302Oct 302
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWe’re telling scary stories this week on the Crow’s Feet Podcast, where a half dozen writers read…Halloween is also on the mind of Robin James, our writing prompts editor, who proposes that we write about how October 31st has turned into…Oct 235Oct 235
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeAre you ready to have a good laugh, to poke fun at yourself and your foibles?Our Prompts Editor Robin James has her eye on the US election calendar even though she casts it from her home over the border in Canada…Oct 9Oct 9
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeDo you remember a tale you heard in childhood that sent shivers down your spine?And speaking of the podcast, you will find lots of good information about your bone and joint health in the current episode. Dr. Alan…Oct 24Oct 24
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWe’re cooking up some Halloween fun at Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age and we need you to make it…In the new podcast episode that dropped today, we’re also talking about skeletons but with a different frame of reference.Sep 254Sep 254
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhere do you get your news these days?In the stories we present today, you will read about what has changed in how we get information and how the rise of ‘infotainment’ has…Sep 182Sep 182
Nancy PeckenhaminCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeIf you have ever been angry about being mistreated by others based on your age, you will appreciate…Our writing prompt editor, Robin James, has come up with an interesting subject for her latest prompt: how has your consumption of the news…Sep 11Sep 11